Hi! I’m Sam, the founder of Lemieux Plants

I've had my fair share of plant casualties. Never intentionally, of course, but through trial and error, I've sadly bid farewell to quite a few green friends over the years. However, with each loss came valuable lessons on plant care and self-care, deepening my passion for the hobby. It's the journey of failures that truly magnifies the sweetness of success. When we embrace failures as opportunities for growth, our world expands, and our potential feels limitless.

My goal is to help people overcome their self-imposed limitations and provide a platform for connecting with nature, themselves, and others. Every misstep and every plant casualty (more than I care to admit!) has enriched my journey, and I'm eager to share these experiences with anyone seeking to learn and flourish—quite literally! The capacity to harmonize with nature resides within us all; we just need to tune in.

Core Values


We work in the best interest of all fellow humans, plants, and animals. This means offering accessible plant services that enrich people's lives and the spaces they inhabit no matter their experience level or socioeconomic status. We are here to create peaceful and reciprocal relationships between humans and plants, and no one is left out of that.


The sum of all parts is greater than the whole. We believe everyone has the ability to make the world a more loving and livable place. We are driven to seek out ways to drive shared value to all living things, directly and indirectly. We do things rooted in love and abundance, not fear and scarcity. 


Beyond simply reducing negative impacts to our ecosystem, we want help to heal and restore it. Meaning in addition to adopting existing sustainable systems in my industry, we will seek to innovate and improve them with the help of technology, community, and ingenuity to develop regenerative business practices. 

A few things you should know about Lemieux Plants

We provide authentic and personalized services following industry standards for biophilic design.

Our team has over 15 years of experience working in several design and creative fields including wardrobe and prop styling, art direction, interior design, and visual merchandising.

We have loads of expertise in growing and acclimating tropical plants from hot and humid conditions (their natural habitat) to average home environments. 

We work to raise the standards for common waste reduction/elimination practices in the plant industry.

We offer sliding scale service with a focus on bringing more greenery to underprivileged youth and adults of the BIPOC communities.

We have access to unique and hard-to-find plants imported from all over the world at affordable prices.